Past Safety Bulletins


Safety Poster
Pinch Points and Crane Loads

Outrigger Videos

To access and download past CICA Safety Bulletins, click on the title/s below:

Safety Bulletin #270 - Should you substitute a crane?

Safety Bulletin #275 - A comparison of load equalisation methods 

Safety Bulletin #276 - Boom Dolly Safe Configuration

Safety Bulletin #277 - Mo's, Mates and Mental Health

Safety Bulletin #278 - Tower Crane Stowage

Safety Bulletin #279 - Take 5 Risk Assessment

Safety Bulletin #280 - Working from heights safely

Safety Bulletin #281 - The importance of staying hydrated

Safety Bulletin #283 - Soft Slings and Soft Sling Safety Resource Page

Safety Bulletin #284 - Safe handling of FIBC's - Flexible Intermediate Bulk Carriers

Safety Bulletin #285 - No Go Zones

Safety Bulletin #286 - Correct set-up of mobile crane outriggers

Safety Bulletin #287 - Assessing Ground Pressure

Safety Bulletin #288 - Knowing what makes cranes Tip

Safety Bulletin #289 - Trees, Cranes and Storm Clean Up

Safety Bulletin #290 - Articulated Pick and Carry Crane Safety

Safety Bulletin #291 - Single Crane Dual Hook Operations

Safety Bulletin #292 - Are your outrigger mats the correct size?

Safety Bulletin #293 - Why the Safety Bulletin Update?

Safety Bulletin #294 - Distilling the Data

Safety Bulletin #295 - Easy to use side slope deration calculation tool

Safety Bulletin #296 - Lifting Terminology

Safety Bulletin #297 - Using outriggers on a slope

Safety Bulletin #298 - Incident Response

Safety Bulletin #299 - Concrete elements: Load sharing and rigging design

Safety Bulletin #300 - Boom dolly considerations

Safety Bulletin #301 - Articulated pick and carry cranes vs Telehandlers

Safety Bulletin #302 - Crane Licensing Review and Survey

Safety Bulletin #303 - Interpreting Australian Standards Part 1

Safety Bulletin #304 - Interpreting Australian Standards Part 2

Safety Bulletin #305 - Crane Licensing Survey Results

Safety Bulletin #306 - An exciting training initiative to improve pick and carry crane safety

Safety Bulletin #307 - High Modulus Polyethylene (HMPE) synthetic fibre rope

Safety Bulletin #308 - Drones and cranes

Safety Bulletin # 309 - CICA Lift Supervisor Program

Safety Bulletin #310 - Upskilling the industry for road safety

Safety Bulletin #311 - Time to take care of yourself

Safety Bulletin #312 - Avoiding electrocution

Safety Bulletin #313 - Working platform safety for crane lifting works

Safety Bulletin #314 - Cranes on barges

Safety Bulletin #315 - How articulated steering cranes behave and feel different from other vehicles

Safety Bulletin #316 - How and when to prepare a Safe Work Method Statement (SWMS)

Safety Bulletin #317 - Safety when suspending loads

Safety Bulletin #318 - The vital role of Spotters

Safety Bulletin #319 - Know when to change crane tyres

Safety Bulletin #320 - Conquering Fatigue

Safety Bulletin #321 - Rotation characteristics of wire ropes

Safety Bulletin #322 - 'Look up and Live' app is live in Victoria

Safety Bulletin #323 - Building hope

Safety Bulletin #324 - Calculating load mass calculations

Safety Bulletin #325 - Clutch and anchor compatibility

Safety Bulletin #326 - Navigating the hazards of Pinch Points

Safety Bulletin #327 - Protecting yourself and others from UV and heat stress

Safety Bulletin #328 - Time to take care of ourselves and others

Safety Bulletin #329 - Crane Servicing

Safety Bulletin #330 - Preventing falls from heights

Safety Bulletin #331 - Fostering a sense of pride in our work

Safety Bulletin #332 - Essential eye safety tips

Safety Bulletin #333 - Understanding Load Charts

Safety Bulletin #334 - Be across the new standard ISO 45004:2024

Safety Bulletin #335 - Beware of compliance issues with synthetic soft slings

Safety Bulletin #336 - Sourcing and storing soft slings

Safety Bulletin #337 - Operating a crane on a slope

Safety Bulletin #338 - Dual crane lifts

Safety Bulletin #339 - HRWL Review

Safety Bulletin #340 - Addressing Psychosocial Hazards

Safety Bulletin #341 - Musculoskeletal Health

Safety Bulletin #342 - Mental Health when working away

Safety Bulletin #343 - Operating in wind

Safety Bulletin #344 - Clear Communication is Critical

Safety Bulletin #345 - Guide to Anemometers

Safety Bulletin #346 - Crane Licensing Update

Safety Bulletin #347 - The importance of crane maintenance

Safety Bulletin #348 - The risks of using basket hitches in dual lifts

Safety Bulletin # 349 - Minimum Hook Block Weights

Safety Bulletin #350 - Mental Health Beyond Movember

Safety Bulletin #351 - The importance of lift planning tools

Safety Bulletin #352 - The most wonderful and dangerous time of the year

Safety Bulletin #353 - Take 5 for a Happy New Year

Safety Bulletin #354 - Key factors impacting the weight of your load

Safety Bulletin #355 - Articulated Mobile Crane Driving Course

To be added to the Safety Bulletin distribution list, please email Michelle: at